Our branches
Economic Management

Economic Management

The purpose of the subsidiary of Kazphosphate LLP Economic Management Kazphosphate LLP is administrative and economic support of the activities of social facilities, structural subdivisions and facilities of the Partnership, not related to production.

The main task of the Branch is the economic maintenance of the structural units and objects of the Partnership that are not related to production, as well as providing housing, transport services and meals to employees of the structural units and branches of the Partnership.

The subject of activities is:

1) Planning, organization, implementation and control of administrative and economic support for the activities of social objects of offices, objects of the Partnership that are not related to production, as well as objects managed by the Partnership;

2) Economic maintenance and ensuring the proper condition of property located in administrative buildings, offices and objects of the Partnership that are not related to production, as well as objects managed by the Partnership;

3) Participation in the inventory of buildings, equipment, property of social facilities of offices and objects of the Partnership that are not related to production in order to control their safety and technical condition;

4) Planning and provision of construction, current and capital repairs of buildings and facilities managed by the Partnership;

5) On the instructions of the General Director, the implementation of the organization and provision of current and capital repairs of buildings and structures not used in the activities of the branches of the Partnership.

6) Providing social facilities, offices and Partnership facilities that are not related to production with all the material resources of appropriate quality necessary for their activities.

7) Preparation and conclusion, in accordance with the established procedure, of contracts with suppliers for the purchase of goods, works and services for social facilities, offices and Partnership facilities that are not related to production;

8) Control of rational expenditure of materials allocated for economic purposes;

9) Economic maintenance of meetings, conferences, seminars and other events;

10) Organization of transport support for the activities of the Partnership and ensuring the proper condition of vehicles on the balance sheet of the Partnership used for the activities of offices and objects of the Partnership not related to production;

11) Provision and organization of transportation of employees of branches of the Partnership.

12) Organization and provision of meals and special meals for employees of the Partnership's branches.

13) Ensuring the activities of social, sports, etc. objects of the Partnership that are not related to production;

14) Creation of safe and healthy working conditions;

15) Implementation of other types of activities at the discretion of the Partnership.

Tupelev  Timur  Iskanderovich

Tupelev Timur Iskanderovich

Director of subsidiary company Kazphosphate Economic management LLP